Asbestos and Other Minerals
Early in my career, I was trained to identify asbestos using polarized light microscopy on a petrographic microscope. Asbestos identification is performed using optical mineralogy, which serves me well for forensic evaluations. Although I am not currently licensed to perform asbestos inspections, in the past I had the license and performed many inspections in large, industrial settings. This experience also serves me well in Phase I ESAs because I can identify asbestos issues in addition to Recognized Environmental Conditions, and can provide appropriate guidance to clients regarding management of asbestos in buildings.
Potentially hazardous and non-hazardous minerals I have familiarity with from this and other experience include:
Chrysotile Amosite Crocidolite Anthophyllite Actinolite Tremolite
Vermiculite Mica Talc Quartz Grunerite Cummingtonite
Calcite Wollastonite Pseudowollastonite
Asbestos fibers encountered in waste material.